Hi Beth,

First of all, why do people think they need to remind us to be grateful anyway? No one has any idea how grateful someone else is or isn't. And judging such a thing in the first place is so out of bounds.

I'm thrilled you are working on this new series. It's so important and so needed. This nude painting is quite powerful. As are the words you wrote about how it came to be. So much emotion. Breast cancer causes so much emotional turmoil along with the physical. That emotion certainly comes through in your painting.

I can't wait to find out what you decide to do with this series going forward.

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Hi Nancy,

Thanks your your supportive words about my painting and writing, as well as the shares.

Yes, I think when people remind us to be grateful, it comes across as condescending and judgy. It comes across as well-intentioned but it really isn't.

I definitely plan to keep people in the loop regarding this series, which will take awhile to finish, as it will be a process. I just feel I have so much more to say. It's amazing how much we survivors have to say. The crap known as breast cancer keeps on continuing, and like you said, it is filled with emotion.

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Beth, I am so moved by your statement on why you create art as a reflection of your journey towards healing. It takes real bravery to venture forward and write about your pain but also to depict it so compellingly in your portraits of young women. I applaud you as you put together this next collection of your art!

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Hi Gerry,

Thank you so much for your comment and support. I am so glad that I explained why I create art, especially art that conveys the collective suffering of young women affected by this devastating disease. I'm excited to continue working on the series.

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May 31Liked by Beth L Gainer

This painting is beautiful, Beth. I can see that you captured a lot of the emotion in it. I think something people often don't consider is that having a life-threatening illness has a lasting impact and you are never quite the same after. I've always admired your willingness to talk about what you experienced and have learned a lot from you.

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Thank you so much Pam. Yes, one is never the same after experiencing trauma, any kind of trauma in fact. Sharing my experiences really helps me psychologically, and I'm hoping I can also help others.

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Beth, I think it is an important part of healing, even years later, to express those emotions in art, and it will be powerful. People are uncomfortable with cancer because of their fear of it, and their lack of understanding of what cancer is, how it behaves, and how it is treated. So much misinformation out there. I always wanted to create a cancer literacy program for the public. But I burned out as an oncology nurse before I could get started on it.

Uncomfortable topics like cancer, PTSD, mental health, violence against women, and many more need to be expressed in art and made visible to the public. It can be a more powerful statement than words can convey.

I want to encourage you to pursue this series and I know it will be great. The one nude painting you showed was so powerful in itself! I’m so excited for you as an artist because you have so much to bring to the world of art. We need you!

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Alene, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I agree that expressing our feelings in art is so important. And you're right about many people being uncomfortable with the topic of cancer due to fear of it and a lack of understanding. As someone who has had cancer, I know the fear too well.

Other topics you mentioned such as mental health and women's health are often taboo topics. People often are so uncomfortable with these issues. But artists, writers, musicians, etc can address them in the light of truth.

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